Demon Slayer: Mugen train

Demon Slayer

  • Name : Mugen Train
  • Released : Movie, 1998
  • Status : Completed
  • Type : Movie
  • Genres : Drama, Historical

In shorts

in the world war, Japan was fighting against USA and it was tough time for people who were living in Japan, Among all this A boy & his little sister were left alone, at first his father didn't come back from war and his mom die in the bomb attack on town, they were had become orphan and were started living with their aunt but soon after due low availability of food they have to leave their aunt house and started living in the cave in forest, a emotional Anime of the year.
must watch Anime 

Nomad Surend

the founder and CEO of myMH34 org, Yadustore5 and YaduLeaf. GmaxTar india.

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