Attack on Titan season 3 episode 13 released date

    Attack​ on Titan season 3 episode 13

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   The our favorite action, scariest anime were stop at only 12 episode in 2018 and we were wait so long for AoT season 3 and it finaly released in 23 July of 2018 with first episode and the episode was good and it gives nice starting of AOT S3. But it stop at 12 episode and the 13 episode of this season is might be on April 2019 because of director does not want to end it so easily and They want to continue it in 2019 just like Tokyo ghoul re and it also ended up in 2 series in 2018.

The 12 episode of 3 season were short and it only clear little much story or truth behind Titan and the history of historia family and the no 1 best character Captain Levi's ​family background and now we know that why he is so good at fighting, like he was from a warrior race that were called as Acherman the warrior clan and now we have to wait until the 13 episode S3 will come April.

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