All Members of Royal Night
The magic night who pass the exam for selection of Royal night, now all cleared that this Royal Night is created because of eye of the midnight sun, in order to fight against them. Thier are total 20 members in this Royal Night squad. Including three captains.
Lisa of members in Royal Night squad
1. Asta
2. Yuno
3. Zora
4. Luck Voltia
5. Mimosa Vermillion
6. Noelle Silva
7. Nozel silva(Captain of silver eagle)
8. Mereoleona Vermillion( captains of lion squad)
9. Ril Boismortier(Captain)
10. Been Benfunk
11. En Ringard
12. Ben Benfunk
13. Fragil Tormenta
14. Hamon Caseus
15. Kirsch Vermillion
16. Klaus Lunettes
17. Nils Ragus
18. Pull Angel
19. Ruben Chagar
20. Siren Tiem
This all Members were selected in exam of Royal Nights. Fineral was also selected but was replaced by someone else because of his injury, due to battle against his brother, he was badly injured by him. Also two other with captains of silver eagle join.