Silent Voice ( Free Download & Watch ) Full Movie & Review

 Silent Voice

  • Name : Koe no Katachi
  • Released : Movie, 2016
  • Status : Completed
  • Total ep : 1 movie, 2 hr 10 min
  • Genres : Drama, School, Shounen

in Short

When shouya ishida was in elementary school he has bullied a girl who was deaf, she got transfer soon after that incident, shouya ishida was living his life by regreting what he has done in past after many sucidal atemp he was broken to the  heart everyone has leave him alone and he was bullied by his freind so one day he able to meet nishimiya the girl of his elemnter school, then he started to talk to her so what will jhappen after this was worth to watch a life movie.

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Silent Voice

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