Masashi Kishimoto (Naruto Artist)

Masashi Kishimoto

Naruto Uzumaki

  • Born : November 8, 1974 Nagi, Okayama Japan.

  • Education : Kyushu Sangyo University.
  • Award : Quill Award For Graphic Novel
  • Brother : Seishi Kishimoto


  • Wife :

Akira Toriyama informtion

  • D.O.B - April 05/1955
  • Born City - Nagoya Japan
  • Spouse - Yoshimi Kato
  • Children - 2

     Sensei Notable Work

  • Dragon Ball
  • Dr. Slump
  • Blue Dragon (Character Design)
  • Dragon Quest (Character Design)
  • Chrono Trigger (Character Design)

Nomad Surend

the founder and CEO of myMH34 org, Yadustore5 and YaduLeaf. GmaxTar india.

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