Akira Toriyama (DBZ)

Akira Toriyama

 Akira Toriyama

Dragon Ball Z(WRITER)


  • Born on (April 5, 1955) Nagoya Japan.

  • Occupation (Manga Artist, Character Designer and Model Designer.
  • Employer, Shuishe Bird Studio


  • Wife : Yoshimi Kato ( 1982)
  • Children : 2/-
  • Signature(Akira Toriyama)

    Kishimoto Sensei was born, April 5 , 1955. Nagi Japan. A great manga Artist who has written Manga Like Naruto, and Naruto the movie Last etc. He was also the big fan of shonen manga and always wanted to write his own manga, for weekly shonen jump magazine

  • Best Manga and Anime


  • Dragon Ball
  • Dr. Stump
  • Dragon Quest
  • Chrono Trigger etc.


  • Dragon Ball Z
  • Dragon Quest
  • Dr. Stump
  • etc


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The founder of myMH34, and YaduLeaf India

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