Tokyo Revengers Anime of 2021 Review

     Tokyo Revenger Anime and Manga

Important Details

  • Released - Spring 2021
  • Genre : Action, Drama, School and Shonen
  • Episodes : 0-05

This is a very excellent Anime of 2021 April when it has started its first episode was released in this anime the girls who was killed in some gang plan accident, the boy who was the boy freind of her, he has run away from his reality from back in past from his friend and from her her he were leave everything because of his past was very bad and he was were alway has been bully by other, he was who were always has try to pick a fight but has always been loose in a fight because of he was ashamed of his life when he was in school and after 12 year the girl who was her girlfriend she has die in tokyo from the gang duds who has been in his past.

    After that one day he was at railway station and someone were push him from back toward railway track and he was about to die at that time but he somehow travel in past were he meets with his girlfriend and her little brother and his old friend and he has tell the truth of future to his girl friend brother and when they shake hands he has back to the future and he were save by his girl brother who was also die back but he was alive and he save him from track and they both understand that they can save her so they started investigation through past.

tokyo revengers

A Trailer of Tokyo Revengers

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The founder of myMH34, and YaduLeaf India

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